

2022-04-26 12:18:51童话作文477

One day, a mosquito encountered a fly, mosquito asks: Does “ have a flower here excuse me? ”


I can not see “ flower. ” fly answers. Back-to-back he says again: “ but here has a lot of rubbish channel. They are effluvial and clinking, all of what mixes rubbish, excrement and urine be in. ” mosquito listened, the heart thinks: “ is too disgusting really! ” but as an explorer, he wants to look very much again. Next, his path fastened fly, headed for go on the road of rubbish channel.


Going, mosquito got lost, as it happens at this moment bee of a sweet composition is transient here, mosquito asks: Does “ have rubbish channel here excuse me? ”


“ rubbish channel? I can not see. ” bee answers. Back-to-back he says again: “ but here has a lot of flowers. They are beautiful and clinking, violet, rose, tulip the have everything that one expects to find of what. Now, in the garden colourful, relaxed and happy letting a person. Even if from here 7 lis of far places also can smell their scent. I suggest you go looking. ” mosquito listened, the heart thinks: “ is too beautiful really ” .


Visible, making a good friend is how important.


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