

2022-11-30 06:54:12写景作文166

There is a big open country before grandma door, plant in field full rice.


Today, I and father mother will to grandma home pass on the weekend, discover rice had matured surprizingly. A golden color, weak fizzle out yellowly, goldenly, greatly, , look far, whole field is just as aureate ocean, in sunshine beamed below, extremely beautiful! An autumn wind has been blown, paddy billow rolls, it is grand very.


I come to field and careful observation. Glistening millet grain is full, resemble a costly gem, of heavy, gu Sui presses the stalk that get rice to did not remove a waist to come continuously, they keep swaying along with wind, seeming is saying to farmer uncle: "I had matured, will quickly reap! Will quickly reap!!


Visitting this beautiful rice field, the great person that I can'ted help remembering a seed changes the world -- grandpa Yuan Longping, the indefatigable effort because of him, immerse oneself in study, just had field today big bumper harvest.


I love this aureate autumn, I love this aureate rice field!


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