

2023-02-10 20:58:10写人作文414

We are met everyday bring into contact with all sorts of lots and lots of different attitude, all sorts of people of different disposition, the grandfather grandma that exercises in the village, the uncle aunt that take a walk, the teacher in the school, classmate, maintain the pointsman of order, be familiar with even you the family that cannot be familiar with again even, also include. So I should be written be familiar with most in a my people, the person that knows most, my little brother.

我们每天都会接触到各种许许多多不同姿态,不同性格的各种人,小区里锻炼身体的爷爷奶奶,散步的叔叔阿姨,学校里的老师,同学,维持秩序的交通警察,甚至连你熟悉到不能再熟悉的家人,也包括在内。所以我要写一个我家人中最熟悉,最了解的人,我的弟弟。< zuowEnBa.NeT >

Why can I play a make trouble dirty trick to my dear little brother? So Where is a title? Need not worry, waiting, you can know immediately.


A day be my little brother 4 years old then, that is a halcyon and auspicious gorge originally, but be not known by a lollipop box in everything of this happiness how many times the scream of ear was broken to the success. You rave to my little brother. This is me originally, I also rave. We were pulling a lollipop to earn half hour so, but be being returned finally is I give her offend wool, his three leaves hall, do all one can bears down on my room, locked up the door, passed a little while, he seems to want to come out, waiting for them is he stayed in door lock, go out to also go out not to come, he does not have method, can guard a gate only Lalaila goes to handle, shake will shake. Accordingly, the door handle of that old still left us forever. After waiting for him to come out, we ask she is occupied not, she still says with humourous mood, too amused! Subsequently, he still became a trench mortar, use small paper ball ceaselessly to undertake bombing wantonly.


Alas, common saying says well, not be to be a family to bring difficulty, bring a burden for the family namely. How? I is this little brother make trouble ghost?


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