

2022-05-19 14:58:35二年级512

Mom wakes me up this morning, let me make a victory spend before the lunch in eating. So I get dressed immediately, brush one's teeth wash a face to plunge into a hair, pull a paperboard to run into a kitchen instantly next. Let mom take her mobile phone, look how to make triumphal flower to me.


Although triumphal flower also has been done a few times before me. But I still had a bit to forget how to be made. I open password of mobile phone input. See the move that make seriously careful. Next of one pace do.


After I take out pencil, mix gules paperboard again next maize paperboard takes a composition. Just began a picture, I drew the first to was not drawn good, because the horn of my picture is not quite pointed,be. Drew the 2nd to also was not drawn good, arrive all the time the picture just has been drawn the 3rd times.


Arrived from the back, I all be drawn. Just begin to cut out. I had cut the first with the 2nd leaf first. Remain only I also cut a star to come down. This is star should be a circle, the sharp-angled of my scissor, I am forced clip. I had stuck the leaf of scissor and star carefully according to order, the triumphal beautiful humor that looks at oneself to do beauty is really good. Really happy today!


上一篇:猴子捞月亮的故事 下一篇:小熊过桥的看图写话