

2023-02-18 23:03:16二年级571

I had done a lot of manual work, what like most among them is the scarf that I make up to mom.


Scarf is made up with wool. Want to prepare the wool with one big beautiful group above all. Pester wool on a bat then, arrange wool rub one's palm along smooth out with the fingers. It is a department of wool next on a baluster of the window, begin to make up scarf according to the method. After been make up, the both ends scarf hits fast knot finally, lest off line.


I feel scarf is made up very beautifully, I am very satisfactory. I gave mother it, mom closes gladly not approach mouth. Although be being made up so that often make mistake in the process, do poorly done work over again many times, let me have a place not happy, but look at mom's happy look, my not happy run smooth, fill resembles in the heart honey is euqally sweet!


The adviser comments on:


Begin is understood simply, direct point understands a theme, in the so much boondoggle that oneself do, like the most complacent work to give mom's scarf namely most. Your language conveys intermediate part very fluent, the statement is clear and coherent, punctuation mark is used correct, and paragraph administrative levels is very clear. You introduced you to weave the course of scarf to mom according to measure not only, and when still keeping the gift that receives you when mom, her happy and excited expression, what the heart affirms mom to come out than behaving expression at that time is more glad, because this is the daughter's intention, stitch a gleam of is the daughter love to mom. The place: that should improve? Does the tip grow  of grave of busy of attentively fish hawk to denounce mace of the Song Dynasty of divide evenly of ┒ of suddenly of bits blame guanidine to flinch Mu Miao of ⌒ of  of Ken of americium garden ∩ lets window does  of shelfing  of  standing tall and upright talk about  by   ?


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