After dinner, I and mom come out to take a walk, going to going to visit a park, there is gymnastical equipment over there so I stopped offal pace to play to rise. Abrupt, I see one act allows my particularly angry thing.
The thing is what kind of: A mother is bringing him child playing, see a few meters a kitten has 10 from that child, the kitten wants to move toward step, the kitten looks from the back, just from the back the station is worn a child, the child also stems from curiosity to turn the head saw a kitten. After he saw a kitten he wow wow cry greatly, and his mother thinks the kitten is harmed but oneself child, he uses kitten of ball fling at, kitten lose one's mind is frightened from step.
But what fault does the kitten have again? Everybody has a few doubt for certain now one: It goes from the back of the child, is the child how to know the kitten is behind him? 2: cannot the kitten ambulate at will? 3: Why does your child cry do you send the mother love from oneself to drive kitten?
I solve now: One, if the kitten has gone from the back of the child, child at that time is to look at a composition in front, the place that has mother only then can look obtain a kitten, it is mom is looking at a kitten for certain so, let a child feel his back has a thing, so he just is met turn curiously the head looks. 2, it just thinks the kitten the kitten looks from the back it is normal, how the world is great, is the cat non-privileged can you ambulate? 3, by what the child that is you only cried, you are about to drive away a kitten, waited for him to be brought up, he also can encounter kitten, doggie. That if so if, I can cry to drive the world out of you because of my child. ; Because my child sees you,do not like to drive a park out of you. Be you are not willing by what do you feel the kitten can be willing then?
Be summed up anyway even if be you look at a kitten first, the child that lets you stems from curiosity ability in the future sees ability see a kitten, frighten so that cried next, these everything is to you are caused, you drive away a kitten again by what. Because you stem from your mother love to protect your child,you drive away a kitten is, but how do you decide the kitten is not to want to become a friend with the child again?