

2022-05-16 10:22:48三年级474

Have on the balcony of my home lots and lots of the plant has cactus, crab claw lotus, chrysanthemum of the four seasons, still a few do not say the plant of the name that come up.


Between all plants, what I like most is green trailing plants, because green trailing plants is exceeding emerald green, color is very good, and it still can purify air, can saying to go up is the plant of ” of “ economy material benefit.


The plant green trailing plants that I like respecting most, I can be senior expert, because I raise the time of green trailing plants very long, I am very clear green trailing plants from plant grown, this is whole each process needs the course what, I am exceedingly clear.


What green trailing plants uses commonly is the method of cuttage, when the branch that waits for green trailing plants grows very longly, we can contain the place of gemmule below the leaf from green trailing plants, use bit to cut this one gently, seek a clear water next, cut the douse of branch of a composition that come down, put it in the place with ventilated good sunshine, but during this, do not change water, probably 3~5 day goes a root to come with respect to chairman, when waiting for a root to be born, insert the branch that contains a root into earth again, irrigate enough water next, about the same a week survived.


Green trailing plants notices nutrition even, must notice to apply a few nitrogenous fertilizer more, because the leaf of green trailing plants is more, must notice much fertilization so. When waiting for green trailing plants to grow flourishly, must notice not to use overmuch water, because moisture is too much, the root that can bring about green trailing plants becomes cankered.


What the green trailing plants of my home raises is exceedingly good, its branch has climbed completely the wall is whole house in, also exist because of what have green trailing plants and become special have opportunity of survival and energy, the air that connects a house also becomes pure and fresh rise, I like green trailing plants, what plant does your everybody like?


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