

2023-02-18 21:54:14四年级202

“ a minute cultivated, harvest one minute. The meaning such as ” is you pay a labor to be able to reap a profit.


Everybody says: &Ldquo; one minute cultivated, harvest one minute. I do not believe unluckily before ” , but passed this work, I the forever meaning that learned it. I am 43 classmate, perillaseed looks, when taking an exam for the first time previously, I think I met these sentences and word completely, not quite a little while I write examination paper, I think I can go up 90 minutes for certain, after so I am written, I was not checked immediately, still put him to the side of of the table it, used a book to build. I am afraid that people copies my exercise with clairvoyance, then I wait for others silently to write examination paper. After a few days, exam achievement was released, I took an examination of a few minutes 50 only actually. Deliver examination paper that is flashy case, I begin to suspect life, a few minutes 50 does perillaseed hope to be able to be you taken an examination of how possibly only? Even if again poor, I also won't take an examination of a few minutes 50 only, cannot absolutely impossible. Since then, I want to want sentence and word to be read ten times almost in the evening every day, carry them on the back completely next, when attending class serious listen to a talk, when taking an exam the 2nd times within an inch of went up 90 minutes.出自 wwW.zuoWEnBA.nEt


This thing tells us, if you are not paid,do not have results.


Author: Perillaseed looks


The adviser comments on:


A thing that the article experiences personally through oneself will make clear “ one minute cultivated, harvest the meaning of ” one minute, life of press close to is real, make a person special era is entered feeling. Nevertheless, this also is you the drawback with this the biggest composition, because too press close to lives, what write so is very insipid, meet a reader to leave impression scarcely. The teacher feels the sentence of this composition is too dull, proper use a few verbs and psychological picture will be bit better, when for instance “ takes an exam that, after I swept examination paper probably, " of inner chuckle to oneself this examination questions is too simple also " . I 3 5 divide of 2 after writing examination paper, throw it at the same time, begin to gaze around, time looks forward to to be able to pass a bit more quickly in the heart ” , if such writing, the composition can have administrative levels sex more, hope you continue to cheer!


Directive teacher: Prevent teacher


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