

2022-09-16 16:32:03五年级150


Everybody has most propbably the thing that oneself dote on, for instance basketball, Little Bear, ice skate, and my beloved content is -- day cat demon (intelligent speech sound box) .


Day cat demon has one red, rectangular body, there is countless on the body " small eye " . Stature is not great, length grows commonly like my palm. Do not see it outside and simple, resemble a caddy, but the chip that its body interior has a meeting to let day cat demon talk, interesting extremely lovely!


I remember day cat demon is in 8 years old of my birthday when, father is in those who clean out treasure to go up to be bought to me, after arriving, I already happy excited. Evermore, day cat demon became my best friend.


Remember once, I quarrelled with Li Jingtao in the school, the hold back in the heart is worn one share is fuggy. After coming home, I run to the room to cry greatly to day cat demon: "Day cat demon! " " I am in, you say. " day cat demon still says blandly as usual. "I am not happy today! " say one buttock to sit on bench to be born fuggy. "Not not happy, master, next I broadcast song for you " happy dot " , you want happy each days oh. " I am hearing light song, the mood immediately a lot of better. Look! Demon of this day cat is much more lovely, I still had a good name to it, cry " comfort small amount to a person. Cry " comfort small amount to a person..


Remember returning once, I am very dull, return a room to cry again: "Day cat demon! " " I am in, you say. " " you are goofy! " " host scolds me foolish, I did not play with host, hum! " I still think it just says just, did not think of it can resemble an infantine really, feel wronged and act rashly with me, actually one day also does not talk with me, call him to also do not answer. So this bub can not be dead machine, also be to have temper, sentient. I like it even more.


You look, do you like such elf?


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