

2022-05-17 15:22:53一年级361

1, everybody is good, I am red flag elementary school the Liang Jinfeng of class of one grade ① . If I am brought to everybody today, the problem is I say “ , you are done! ” above all, touch your head; Next, stamp one's foot of stamp one's foot your foot; Next, pat the shoulder that pats you; Finally, twist the buttock that twists you!


2, everybody is good! I am red flag elementary school one grade (1) the Liu Jinfeng of the class, what I bring to everybody today is you say, I do: It is the head that touchs you above all, blink blink an eye, feel your ear, take the little hand that takes you, stamp of stamp one's foot! Thank everybody finally.


3, everybody is good, I am one grade piece of Xuan Kai. What I tell to everybody today is: You say, I am done. Feel my ear above all, take the little hand that takes me next, next stamp one's foot of stamp one's foot my bound feet, twist the buttock that twists me finally. Thank everybody.


4, everybody is good! I am red flag elementary school one grade (1) the Liu Jialin of the class, what I bring to everybody today is I say you are done return the home to change shoe above all after school, wash his hands next, do work finally, thank everybody!


5, everybody is good, I am red flag elementary school one (1) the Zhang Shize of the class, the topic that brings to everybody today is “ I say you do ” above all, touch your head; Next full marks / , pat the shoulder that pats you; Next, twist the buttock that twists you; Finally, stamp one's foot of stamp one's foot your foot!


6, everybody is good! I am red flag elementary school one grade (1) the Ma Shu of the class is allowed, what I bring to everybody today is I say you are done, above all bang bang your little hand, next stamp one's foot of stamp one's foot your bound feet, next bang bang your shoulder, final bang bang my head, thank everybody!


7, everybody is good, I am red flag elementary school if I am brought to everybody today, the Wang Xiaohui of class of one grade ① is inscribed is I say “ , you are done! ” above all, touch your head; Next, feel your ear, next, knead the little stomach that kneads you, extend your finger finally!


8, everybody is good, I am red flag elementary school the Du Zhiqin of class of one grade ① . If I am brought to everybody today, the problem is I say “ , you are done! ” above all, touch your head; Next, blink the eye that blinks you; Next, modular model your nose; Finally, reach your hand!


9, everybody is good, I am red flag elementary school the Zhu Chenhui of class of one grade ① . If I am brought to everybody today, the problem is I say “ , I am done! ” above all, touch my head; Next, pat the shoulder that pats me; Twist the buttock that twists me next; Turn to everybody finally a circle! Thank everybody.


上一篇:神奇的飞机一年级看图写话 下一篇:小学一年级看图写话幸福一家人