I sit on the bed, taking sock, employing computer. Suddenly originally darker room, appeared a bright light. The door by gently opened a light, as appeared grandfather, he is playing, prepared to go out again. I say immediately: You have “ grandfather what thing he is laughing at ” to say: I think “ originally call you to accompany me to go together playgoing. I say ” : “ goes, wait for me a little while. ” grandfather says hastily: “ does not have a thing, you continue to play, I ask neighbour does not go again. ” I with the rapiddest rate, shut computer, get out of bed, do good hair, say: “ we are families, I accompany you to go. ”
I and grandfather are ready everything, when wanting to set out, saw the father mother that just came off work, they see I and grandfather, ask: You do “ what goes. I say ” : I accompany “ grandfather goes playgoing, do you go not? ”“ has written a composition, I take you to go. ” father says: “ just had left pluvial way bad to go, get on a car. ” grandfather says: “ need not, you just came off work too tired. ” mom is pulling grandfather at the same time trend car, laughing to say at the same time: “ does not have a thing, go quickly, we are families. ”
Reached the place of playgoing, we sat, but look not to understand. Only one person looks grandfather with pleasure, he sees us the appearance with one spellbound face, those who feel embarrassed say: You do not like “ look, that otherwise went back. We say ” at once: “ need not, look to go again, accompany you one case, we are families. Grandfather sees ” at the same time later, interpret content to us at the same time, I also look enchantedly actually.
Be, we are families. This word listens much more sweetly! “ we are families, the family that be deeply attached to each other ……”