

2022-05-18 21:49:58话题作文139

" Lubinxun is written down adrift " it is British writer Daniel. Flute blessing writes, this is a book that I feel best to look.


One day, lu Bin abdicate goes in the forest amuse oneself. He does not know to there is savage in this forest, play in him happy when, somebody is abrupt change come out, him stun. When waiting for Lu Bin abdicate to awake, him discovery is in savage tribe.


When abdicate prepares Lu Bin, the hand that discovers oneself and foot were bound by savage rise. Lu Bin inferiors to say to savage: “ do you bind me rise dry what? Help my unlock quickly. ”


Savage helps Lu Bin inferior at the same time unhitch, say at the same time: “ our chieftain fell ill, and we are treated however bad this kind is ill. Bind you come over even if let you try can give it cure. ”


Lu Bin abdicate listened, want to try: “ that you the composition your chieftain is helped up come over, let me looked to get what disease. ” is wild the chieftain them helped people up to come over.


Lu Bin inferiored to feel the forehead of savage chieftain with the hand, the head that discovers savage chieftain is very very hot, call savage at once: “ hits a cloth wet, put on the forehead of chieftain, support leader to the bed again, pour a cup of hot tea to drink to him. ”


Just said, rude people supports leader immediately went up bed, some puts a cloth on the forehead of chieftain, some pours a cup of water to be drunk to chieftain.


Had done not have a little while, the disease of savage chieftain is good. Savage chieftain is very obliged Lu Bin inferiors, award Lu Bin inferiors a whistle. Savage head says: “ if you encountered risk with respect to stamp, we help with respect to meeting outpace. ”


From now on, lu Bin abdicate was regarded as by everybody hero.


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