

2022-05-26 18:00:01写人作文542

Is your little sister very clever, lovely? But my little sister is complete contrary, today, let me come fine number her " Babylon " .


My little sister is one has only 5 years old " small wind child " , do not see her the age is small, but she can get domestic lanes and alleys " gallinaceous flying dog jumps " , be dye-in-the-wood " make trouble king " . She always gets domestic lanes and alleys farfetched, here throws a cloth baby, car of a toy is dropped over there, the toy that is her completely also is pushed on tea table, for this, father often is right she growl is scolded again, can write a composition her rise superior to, tell with father even had a reason: "Does children play a toy to be no good? " father can be breathed out only finally breathe out twice went by her. Occasionally she is returned can these " accusation " how to go up in my head, do so that I stamp his foot continuously, next she busy incessantly ground says with me: "I am sorry, I am sorry, old elder brother. " I can excuse her only finally.


My little sister very " tricky " . Every time when I and she grabs TV to look, she can say: "Elder brother, cloth of our stone scissors, who does win to be able to watch TV. " if I won her,can be, she can shake since take everything into one's own hands accuse implement, "Drop " one like TV shift to look most to her " piggy admire is strange " . If I want to grab shake accuse implement, she can cry greatly. At this moment, father criticizes me with respect to ground of meeting firm firm, often do I am very depressedly, want to smoke her spank really, at this moment she runs to shake to me with respect to ground of bump of fart of meeting fart bump accuse implement say: "Elder brother, come, give you, we look together " . Then I excused her again.


My little sister not only make trouble, tricky, very persnickety still. Every time I eat her snacks stealthily, she wants plan a long time, to me straight shout: "You had not asked me, do not have those who get me to agree, eat my snacks stealthily, do not give eat, take. " I find both funny and annoying, be forced to ask her darlingly: "Little sister, can you eat to elder brother a bit? " at this moment she says readily: "Can, you eat. " then, I am OK the United States eats beautifully.


Although my little sister is make trouble, tricky, persnickety still, but she also brought a lot of joy to me, I love my little sister.


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