

2022-05-29 16:07:05二年级169

I had lost a lot of different paper planes, the course checks, I discover among them the fiercest. Its nose is blunt, although strike a thing, damage not easily also; Its wing is very wide, balance sex is good; The two side of wing tuck up, reduced the resistance in the flight; Its tail has one rise high, can mount missile. It is my inapproachable paper plane.


In the village of my home, have land of a mud, ursine children above gouge a lot of grotesque hole. After rain, I come to mud ground, accumulate in hole full water, became morass. I take common paper plane, the back flew gently to wallow, after seeing it drew half circle in sky only, dropped wallow directly, sink slowly, disappeared in slop. does it want bubble slop bath? I take inapproachable paper plane again, to test its power, I fly to it intentionally to wallow. When seeing it is close to wallow only, turn around suddenly fly to me, in good condition below the foot that flies to me without composition caustic ground, revealed its actual strength.


Be good at be good at see I employ paper plane, put forward to undertake flight contest with me. Competition regulation is, we shoot our paper plane severally, let the other side play gun fire with water, hit calculate win. I flew to inapproachable paper plane calmly, be good at be good at mad to it fire, a bit of inapproachable paper plane is insusceptible, fly smoothly in sky. When be good at be good at blast off when giving the 15th bullet, inapproachable paper plane is in empty change trains a circle, next firm quietly touchdown. Be turn for be good at be good at, his self-confidence chock flies off his plane. I open an eye, close a key point, through aiming at implement the paper plane to careless in sky flight, shoot flood play. Paper plane is played to hit by me, be hit to 10 meters besides. Be good at be good at very malcontent to oneself plane, rip it into two half, the plane that admits me is inapproachable.


I think: If the word of missile of my inapproachable plane mount, can fight.


上一篇:我帮妈妈做家务二年级看图写话 下一篇:蜘蛛开店续写2年级