

2022-06-08 18:02:04六年级541

Mom says to want to do delicious dumpling to me today, I gladly happy to dance, kiss again in person again to mom. To me for ” of this “ fastfood goods, this can be best award. Say honest, although just had eaten dumpling last week, can feel several months did not eat. The dumpling stuffing that looks at mom to get ready, my saliva should flow, look, I ” of this “ fastfood goods, saw dumpling saw delicious carrot like small bunny like.


Look at mom slowly wrapping dumpling, I resemble an ants on a hot pan urgently, wash his hands hastily, also helping a bag rise. I put dumpling skin in control above all, have fall with chopstick clip next put in dumpling skin in the center of, overlap dumpling skin twice with the hand then, hold again finally close, with respect to make it like an a shoe-shaped gold or silver ingot used as money in feudal China resembling gold dumpling. such, , two, 3 ……


Not a little while, I and mom wrapped a few dumpling, they are discharged shipshapely in dish, wait to inspect taxi arms like each. Nevertheless, in this soldier team, the dumpling that I wrap grows is conspicuous very it seems that, perhaps, likelihood, because they are not quite beautiful.


Dumpling has been wrapped, mom burns water to boil dumpling immediately, after water left, mom toots each flesh cautiously the dumpling “ of toot asked ” to eat boiler, the boiler on the lid is built, write a composition about ten minutes or so, mom opens boiler to build, fragrance bestrewed whole kitchen immediately, dumpling people resemble a “ Xiaobai duck ” is rolling in water, that reeky setting makes me greedy get straight pharynx saliva.


Dumpling has been boiled, mom scoops up the dumpling among with spoon fill me in the bowl, handed next I, I take a chopstick, ground of too impatient to wait placed to be put into the mouth, did not think of …… I cried “ ah ” , this shriek frightens even bird so that flew away from the tree, mom Jing lived, ask “ at once how, where is uncomfortable? I show ” the tongue says “ dumpling —— child —— too —— irons —— ! ” says, mom can'ts help laughing rise. At this moment, I just experienced this one word: Impatient cannot eat to heat up bean curd.


Come over a little while, the tongue feels so not painful, I ” of this “ fastfood goods runs to the “ in the kitchen to steal ” to eat again. This falls, I but unlike before, I am used first blow, let dumpling drop in temperature, I am bitten readily go down, two put light continuously, “ says like the aftertaste, true too —— too —— is too delicious! ”


This, although the dumpling appearance of my bag is not true appearance, still showed ” of “ general abdomen even a bit, but I still very happy, because I used both hands to do beautiful dumpling, I also cut the joy that cogent and on-the-spot feeling got work.


上一篇:请党放心强国有我作文700字小学生 下一篇:让真情自然流露作文600字六年级