

2022-07-01 16:01:03三年级183

Today, I go the native place Chen Zhuang of an uncle goes having a meal. Arrived over there, I listen to father to say: The uncle should bake “ today hotpot is strung together. If ” hears father to say, I poured out of saliva cannot refrain fromingly.


The hotpot that is not said by father when me is strung together greedy when, my this ability discovers, original uncle home still raised a dog and a cat, next my heart thinks: They two won't fight? I hasten run over to ask an uncle: Uncle “ , doesn't this dog and this cat fight? Uncle ” says: “ does not fight write a composition, they this is to see for the first time. I say ” : “ , it is so such. ” next, I say to see hotpot had been baked, I see hotpot had been baked, ate to rise, I ate a little while, went having a meal on dining table.


Set out after I am satiate go to garden of carry on one's shoulder, arrived over there we played a lot of items. Finally, we prepare to go again labyrinthian, next, my father called to the uncle, true regrettablly I did not go labyrinthian, nevertheless I still play very happily today!


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