

2022-09-20 11:33:05三年级257


I am writing line of business in the home today, one is transmitted outside hearing the door suddenly a mirth, I run out to look, it is mom and grandmother so in spinning top.


I see them play so happily, I also want to try. But I won't ah, then mom begins to teach me spinning top: Fasten lash on stick first, pester list on top, exert all his strength to be smoked, top turns rose. Had plunged into Ma Bu next, taking stick to be in with the right hand right upper part, the top that alignment rotates is smoked, top turns weller. Top turns quickly sometimes, turn slow sometimes, the top when turning quickly can decide Nereus like euqally firm quietly plunges into the needle to go up, turn slow full marks / when, top will be groggy, resemble malty same.


After mom teachs me, begin spinning top. See mom pesters list on top only, smoke, top stood up, when waiting for top to turn smoothly, I had received stick, smoked rise. I always am cannot the “ body ” that essence of life hits it definitely, it always turned a little while to topple. Should appear only this kind of circumstance, mom can say to me: “ must fast, accurate, firm! ” , I hear mom practice ceaselessly after this word, can let top standing firmly eventually.


“ lashs ceaselessly only, ability progresses. ” this is the sense that I get through spinning top.


上一篇:小事情大道理的作文200字 下一篇:出淤泥而不染的荷花作文450字