

2022-09-24 02:34:07三年级380


The backyard of my home is growing tuft bunch dandelion. Annual 5, it will blossom in June, and meet again in the winter gone. Arrive every time the good associate that when it blossoms, I can call me, go picking dandelion to play together, and those who play is very happy.


The seminal verdure of dandelion is dark green, a long still platoon is small toothed, toothed go up to growing again fine fine small nap, almost each leaf is mixed we half palm is so big.


In the wind of dandelion some independence on the meadow, appear chilly of aloof and proud; Composition / some and branch of the base of a fruit leans close together, appear close. I pick a dandelion, move close to its whiffet, a small parachuter of a shagginess people multiplying wind to fly to distance.


Occasionally special him hope is dandelion, if I am dandelion, I can fly to poverty a mountainous area go aid financially and visitting those to do not have money to go up not to have learned children.


Dandelion winter goes spring come, so tenacious vitality, upbeat mood, be the place that I should like, also be the place that I should learn.


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