

2022-10-11 03:33:06三年级381


When having dinner, mom gangmaster moved close to the boiled eggs on the desk, seem is listening the private words that the egg says, passed a little while, mom raises a head, mysterious to me blink eyeball, say: The egg says its new learning a kind of kongfu, make shrink bone art.


"Ah? ! I cry, " do not believe had eaten a meal, you yourself can start work do. " if listening to mom. I came immediately interest, which still have a composition idea has a meal, say by mom at once: Looked for an empty bottle, one thoroughlies cook the boiling water that pares the boiled eggs of hull mixes a cup to had been burned.


Above all, my general boiling water is cautious in pouring bottle. Thoroughly cook next pare the egg of hull is put on opening, the egg resembles a little baby, sit on opening, seem to say to bottle in great " let your look look my kongfu. " I am careful pie-eyed, for fear that misses any detail, at this moment, I discover the egg is slipping in past bottle ceaselessly. Mom says: "The hour that witnesses a miracle namely immediately. Listen only " phut " , little baby falls into bottle in.


can the egg shrink really bone art? Mom says " the cold water of same quality and hot water, cold water density is big, air atmospheric pressure can squash outside depress of the gas inside bottle, bottle egg, force an egg to slip inside bottle. " so, this is not the egg is met " shrink bone art " however baric contribution.


Pass test, those who let me know more science is magical with gout, after be brought up, I should probe the scientific mystery of more and unmanned Xiao Zhi.


上一篇:有趣的课间十分钟作文400字 下一篇:小问号作文三年级300字