

2022-09-24 07:31:02四年级144


The grandfather has garden of a vegetable, that is him himself the attic that is in the home creates the outdoor vegetable garden that come out bit by bit.


The grandfather uses a heart especially to this vegetable garden, hill up, water, place natural ort leftover to increase nutrition, the grandfather says: “ land is fat, the ability that grows has nutrition! ” he planted a lot of dish in the vegetable garden, each season plant different course. Shiny green spinach, the circle includes course roundly, the melon canopy that him grandfather takes the summer of Chinese cabbage …… of fleshy leaf most let us like, the towel gourd suspension with long short length is there, it is good to always can let me admire head settle on long.


The grandfather climbs attic everyday, water the vegetable garden, he still invented ” of his distinctive water of nutrition of vegetable garden “ , vegetable people the ” of “ nutrition water that drank a grandfather always grows particularly quickly special spirit. Irrigate water grandfather to begin the glove on the belt to begin to catch “ to make trouble bug of molecular ”— dish. Because he says to had laid the dish person of pesticide,ate insalubrious, so he himself always starts work patient ground dish breaks up in turn search, catch bug. These vegetable people affirmative everyday most the comes to attic hour that waits a grandfather!


Grandfather reap the vegetable that come down put a grandma shipshapely to order the bamboo basket that make the village goes peddling in go-cart. He stands in street cry out: “ sells dish ! Fresh vegetable writes a composition / dish! I also can follow ” beside him to cry together: “ sells food! The hundred pure natural vegetable that my grandfather plants, before long an aunt comes to vegetable without the health that makes agriculture chemical ……” chose two course, a grandma also bought 3, the grandfather's dish sells very quickly. The guest that the grandfather that lie between a day was familiar with that day to the position yesterday came over to buy, the dish of boast grandfather has a natural Qing Dynasty sweet, the natural flavour that is before! The grandfather's dish is very popular.


Village mouth opened vegetable of a fruit to sell greatly later, every day big horn is putting ” of “ big sales promotion, people runs there go buying food. But the grandfather still is the bamboo basket car that shifting his, what put vegetable as before is shipshape, defend peddle in place. Summer the sun is sinister, mosquito more and more come much, the grandfather is not afraid of bear hardships, still everyday oneself water to catch bug with one's own hands.


Burning hot summer, what the sun becomes burning at a draught is very hot. The grandfather still is the position before sells food everyday, because a lot of familiar guests still were maintained,want to buy natural vegetable of the grandfather. When I have a holiday, always mix grandfather a cry out, the grandfather always laughs ah breathe out the ground to look at me.


Kind of dish of the grandfather and carry basket to peddle to teach me namely, want to do a honest person, close teaching by one's own example of the grandfather guides, make I am benefited all one's life!


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