

2022-09-27 09:36:09四年级178


Remember in one's childhood in the country, one day towards evening, father is taking root iron wire to run outside, “ father, where do you go to? ” I run over to ask.


“ angles ricefield eel. ”


Can “ iron wire angle ricefield eel? I had taken ” the iron wire in father hand, see this iron wire is 30 centimeters or so long only, a curved adult fish is falcate, there is a big earthworm above, have a link additionally directly.


Father tells me, ricefield eel is nocturnal action other people, at that time it still sleeps to become aware greatly in the hole, want to extend the hook into the hole only, it meets what hesitate none bite, pull next, it is angled. Then, I follow at the back of father, go at the same time on ridge of field, observe where has ricefield eel hole at the same time.


Abrupt, I discovered a hole, this mouth of a cave has two centimeters wide, the half is in water, be discovered not easily. I am pointing to a hole to ask: “ is this ricefield eel hole? ”


Father walks over to look, just wanted to extend the hook into the hole, I play father's hand, respecting: Can “ let me try? ”


Father asks me curiously: Does “ your travel write a composition / ? ”


I am full of self-confident say: “ does not try how to know! ” says, I had taken the ricefield eel check mark in father hand, cover the link of one aspect of the matter go up in forefinger, the cautious hook dress earthworm sends in past hole slowly. Abrupt, a kind of vast power hooks the arm that sends me from ricefield eel. I think, it is to big guy swallowed the bait certainly, I exert all my strength to be pulled outside hastily, but how be also pulled,do not come out. I think, won't be the snake bit, or how can you have so great effort? I just wanted refuse check mark, father clutchs suddenly my hand, exert all his strength to be pulled, eventually, a ricefield eel is angled by father.


I discover this ricefield eel just grows than the chopstick a bit, I ask father curiously: “ this ricefield eel is so small, why to have so great effort however? ”


Father say: The hole of “ ricefield eel is sinuate, ricefield eel sticks the body on smooth hole wall, dot effort small, pull so do not move. ”


Although I often do not return country now, but I often remember childhood angles the fun of ricefield eel.


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