

2022-09-29 06:34:07四年级293


One pair sparkles splendent eye is embedded in slant on black cheek, a piece of glib small mouth and Gao Ting's nose, comprised lively and lovely me.


I what like puppy


As me of ” of “ puppy pink, puppy of fluffy of at sight of does not step pace, see wandering kitten, when the doggie, I want to hold them in the arms come home, because there is little pet in the home. I already of again and again go “ begs ” to cross mom. But mom says, the place in the home is too little, can not raise doggie kitten. Alas, true regrettablly ah! The madam in the home is too quiet! I but really dull, if I have a little pet good composition / .


Have deep love for me what paint a picture


Arrive from 2 grade now, I had insisted to paint a picture fast 3 years. From most initial line drawing arrives present move free. I had painted nearly 50 pieces of pictures, these pictures are received a piece very well to also had not been lost by me. When I see the picture previously again now, the feeling is very puerile, laugh so that close not basket mouth.


Love sees me of the book


I love to read a book very much, and be 100 see not tire of, a book can see above 10 times. E.g. the book of Ma Xiaotiao series, want me one hour only, a book can be given “ to ate ” to be over by me.


This is me, one has deep love for puppy, picture love a picture, love to see me of the book.


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