

2022-10-14 17:39:15四年级527

One day in holiday, our family person answers a village to play together, over there Shan Meishui beautiful woman is more beautiful, I play but glad.


That day is a big fine day, waving in La La's sky a few thin thin Bai Yun, wind in a way has a bit, be blown in the coolish on the face, particularly comfortable. All the way, I saw the river with a lot of differ size, they are singing a song, flow livelily drip. Some loud singing, some light fine mild and indirect, let a person be intoxicated. The hill of far shiny green, resemble spreading the green earth carpet to the ground from the sky together, extremely beautiful.


After about half hours, we returned the village, we went to home of 2 Lao father first. The courtyard that 2 Lao a form of a address for an official or rich man is a small-sized orchard, have nuclear peach tree, have viny, have jujube tree. 2 Lao father but enthusiastic, he sees we pick a grape with respect to busy move, still mounted jujube to hit a jujube to us. I and elder brother, little brother by a ” of “ jujube rain teased. We run below jujube here, run there, collect a jujube cautiously, tread down of for fear that a jujube, what fall down as a result of the jujube is too fast, we often were broken not carefully cerebral door, have a few times, in the bosom that the jujube still rolled me hurriedly!


We collect a jujube, the small hillside that goes before the village plays. Cent of this hill slope became three-layer, below one is earthy road, above one is stone road, there still is a platform among, these are formed naturally. We climbed the platform among from earthy road first, at this moment, we discovered wild jujube of —— of hill precious game. We resembled discovering big precious deposits immediately like, composition / the beginning of eagerly is picked. Held one bag, we are dissatisfactory still, look for acerbity jujube everywhere again, outfit do not fall to eat, till be perfectly satisfied. Pick wild jujube, we slip from hill slope come down, there is bigger surprise however below hill unexpectedly, original, taking the advantage of us to climb earthy slope, father of a few Lao held Chai He in the arms, burn a potato to us, when we come down, just caught up with eat, outside burning potato then fragile in tender, crisp sweet goluptious, really delicate!


Eat to burn potato, 6 Lao father is riding motor to take us to climbed the mountain on the village again. That hill can climb really hard! The way of hill is formed naturally on, sinuate, rugged. All the way, high weed often holds off our line of sight, and hill road both sides still is the tree that brings thorn, be plunged into easily, ache the person is continuously to drop tear. We took the place that takes the hardest after about ten minutes, hill road became to be allowed those who play a base is narrowly only small ramp, cautiously upgrade climbs the big stone that we are helping roadside up. , my not quite up to the mark drops, 6 Lao father pulls if it were not for I am seasonable, perhaps I was hanged. At that time, my heart frisks, fetch be frightened to come out, passed about 20 minutes again, we mounted the summit eventually, look later, wow, very tall! Really Shan Ling is zenithal I am a peak! Stand on the summit, gentle breeze kiss, overlook of look as far as one can, that is a bright really!


Already was crepuscular insensibly, the setting sun fell on the west, we also are opening Che Lian to love do not abandon ground return, those who remember this one day a variety of, the excessive in my heart became full happy.


上一篇:家风家训作文300字 下一篇:美丽的春天作文450字