

2022-10-18 02:34:09四年级513

From go up since nursery school, the school can organize litre of ensign every weeks. Although I do not know this is why, but stand can very straightly over every time. Enter elementary school, countless revolution martyr uses blood incarnadine I know ensign slowly, everybody should have deep love for it. And the red scarf that we adorn, it is the one horn of the Five-Star Red Flag, this lets me feel extremely clinking pride, proud, also let me from the heart more the motherland that has deep love for us.


I am born in Xiamen, my grandma is old Xiamen person, listen to her to say, xiamen is an isle originally, rely on big bridge of a Xiamen and outside to be linked together only. Traffic is disadvantageous in those days, economy is very backward also. Later, xiamen became a special economic zone, the country gave a lot of good conditions, build infuse for Xiamen ” of fresh “ blood. Built Xiamen big bridge, apricot nowadays now big bridge of dark blue of big bridge of Lin Daqiao, Jimei, sea, circle in the air install channel, had a city fast and public transportation BRT and railroad of the first underground, traffic is convenient, economy developeds. Also obtain home to write a composition at the same time / outside multinomial honor and award, for instance: Double embrace paradigmatic city, wholesome city, optimal person to reside award to wait a moment, without number. I think these change and achievement are the good policy that cannot leave national reforming and opening. Not come singly but in pairs, before before long, mom takes me to go to Shenzhen amuse oneself, the hotel that we stay in is located in Shenzhen fisherman village, be in here before is a common little fishing village only, because of reforming and opening, those who became beautiful now prosperity is metropolitan.


From the development of Xiamen and Shenzhen, the progress that can see a state and powerful. Nowadays, our country forward act vigorously of target of two hundred years ” enters “ , airship of “ god boat marchs toward aerospace, flood dragon dragon enters the sea 5 ocean catch turtle ” . Deepness of speed of Chinese height, China, China, becoming the sample book that international society is built and develops and blueprint.


As a pupil, I am proud to be born in beautiful aigret island, proud to be born in this times. I must learn well, every day up, contribute oneself force to build great motherland.


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