From be born to now, there is two hundred and seventy-six million four hundred and forty-seven thousand two hundred and thirty-two if I had listened, be like rain during springtime to nod. Can have a word, make me total also do not forget, same, make I benefit a lot.
Mom says, one year old is caught when, I caught a pen, other disinclination. So this inherent defect, arrived one grade when, be reach the limit more. See in stationer a few strange and good-looking pen ah, I with respect to heart itch, want to buy particularly. Can be afraid that mom is not bought to me again, then with respect to think oneself clever, taking the advantage of the adult in the home carelessly, on the sly is taken from pocket money box, every time together two, wait for assemble to arrive when 10 yuan of money, go stealthily in stationer, the pen that admires me in the heart brings back the home.
I think this work look does not know all the time, ghost does not become aware, the mom that is infinitely resourceful unluckily however knew. , I take out a yuan of money secretly all the same, but gave out noise not carefully, it is the attention that this noise caused mom probably. But I or ground of think oneself clever think to was not discovered, ground of as if nothing happened took out money, composition / put into the pocket, carry a satchel on the back next, a person goes to school slowly.
Mom did not tell anyone, miss the opportunity of my make amends for one's fault by good deeds, but the pattern that I am fitting what thing to also did not happen all the time, also did not say to in the evening.
I took off the dress to go to bed, mom comes my room, take out a yuan of money from my pocket, ask me from which lanes and alleys this comes stealthily? My facial instant is red, in fear and trembling. Said “ does not know actually. ” mom did not get angry, earnest ground tells me: “ honesty is the most commendable character, a dishonest person, be willing to become a friend with you without the person. No matter when, you cannot lie! ” I am low first, admitted an error.
It is this one word, make me total also do not forget, also be this one word, church the main reason that I am an upright person: Cannot lie, must do a honest person.
I also did not scatter evermore again live a lie, the permission that also did not pass adult again takes money casually.