

2022-10-25 17:35:10四年级397

My home town has park of a Chinese redbud, it although not as good as like the Great Wall grand, also not as good as west lake that kind namby-pamby but person, but it has all the year round distinctive scenery, each have each elegant demeanor.


Spring, the Hua Gongliu in Chinese redbud park is green, charactizing a fine spring day, let a hundred flowers blossom, colourful, an exuberant picture. Small grass from underground secretly smell head comes, make visit with curious mood this new world; The willow of dike edge, oneself hair is being combed in river side like each girl; Jade orchid left, resemble fairy descend to the world, say to people: “ spring came, spring came. ” tourist lies on lawn to watch oriental cherry, if people is crazy be like drunk, still have garden of a floret, have inside lots and lots of floret, winter jasmine flower, peach blossom is waited a moment, one leaves colourfully than, seem to be in who to contend for the most beautiful.


Summer, lotus opened full one pond, lotus leaf resembles each dark green big disc. White lotus is in of lotus leaf foil next changing composition / more beautiful, graceful like each girl stands proudly in water. Small fish plays in the amuse oneself below lotus leaf, but happy. Frog from time to time here, crying in what quack on lotus leaf, seem to showing oneself singing voice, after be being sung tiptop a few, seem to be in again respond to a curtain call.


The autumn, maple page is red, resemble torch, although rustle in autumn wind in also let you feel warm. Arboreous wither, the leaf has dance lightly in wind, resemble an only withered Xie Die. The leaf falls in underground, tourists walk on withered leaf, rustle makes sound, seem to doing Qu Shi for the autumn.


In the winter, all flowers died of old age. Only wintersweet stands proudly in snow, can't help letting me remember a poem: “ wintersweet is sweet come from bitter cold, sword sharp edge goes out from go through the mill. ”


Of Chinese redbud park all the year round, each have each elegant demeanor, let me have too many visitors or business to deal with, extremely beautiful. Classmates, you also have a look together!


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