

2022-10-02 14:37:09读后感396


One pace, stepped into this to carry severe ancestral temple gravely, one pace, strode times of below that day 3 minutes.


The world 3 minutes. Tripartite confrontation of Wu Sanguo of Sichuan of the Kingdom of Wei, among them, wei Guo is the strongest. Sichuan country is the weakest. This troubled times, it is Zhu Geliang's located times. Stay in the heart one is opposite former chase after think of, I stepped into fierce Hou ancestral temple. This one pace, it is age. Dignified aba never leaves the dust that has a history, fan of jiggle goose feather, between laughingstock rumour, flying smoke of strong opponent ash destroys. This one pace, stepped into fierce Hou ancestral temple, returned last years of a dynasty or reign of the Eastern Han Dynasty. I saw Kong Ming, he is wet behind the ears, high-spirited and vigorous, he defends Sichuan, couplet, attack the Kingdom of Wei, he has revive Han Chaozhi annals. Be only, I shake shake one's head. He was defeated. Austere garment unlined upper garment is him to history of vicissitudes of life elaborate, although have,dedicate oneself to the service of his motherland annals does not have newspaper national power however. His pen, writing dark blue billows of the history. Although be apart hundreds of years, dan Zhongguo ties of friendship is changeless. This one, king the couplet that built front door, returned a the first year of an era or the reign of an emperor. I saw Du Fu. He escapes toward Chengdu, hardships unceasingly, in stepping into ancestral temple of this fierce Hou, was to have the resonance in the soul however. This is by China each person of affection some resonance ah! He carries pen, wrote down " Sichuan photograph " . My bottom of the heart is heavy. This is the person that a person that save the nation feebly saves the nation feebly to another plaint. Iron bone clanks, exploit is illustrious, the recall of 12 gold, it is a regret of the history. This one, those who saw thing corridor go up is cursive, return the Southern Song Dynasty year. His recover is domanial, save common people, hit Hun. This, it is Yue Fei! I plaint. He is cursive " give a person of exemplary virtue " when, whether, also thought of oneself in the future? Wu Hou, it is a name not just, it is a paragraph of story more, it is the later generations groan to forefathers.


A long time ago flick away of time historical precipitation, how many famous places and historical sites disappears disappear. Only Wu Hou, stay for a long time. Two Gu Rong are screen, surround and protect of lion of a pair of stone, vermilion upturned eaves does not have lay pollution. Red wall and line of set each other off of green banboos each other, grave and not depressive. Crossed Liu equipment hall, it is Zhu Geliang hall. Two halls depend on each other, be like them before one's death, the setting sun has wiped old pine, leave a light to be on eave, resembling is in Gu Shu. Sichuan, a how old style, here, however a bit is not depressive. Groan, groan, this has how heavy power in sound! Be admire? Be deep feeling? Still say his fool faithful? I do not know.


“ the world of the 3 frequency that consider frequency plan, two face open wrongly written or mispronounced character of black base of ” of heart of aid old official, billows of dark blue of the wording and purpose of what one writes. I stepped into this one pace Wu Hou, this one pace, resembling was to cross a thousand years. I look at the dignified Wu Hou below the setting sun, was to remember a word however: Be like hereat person to come.


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