

2022-10-04 01:30:01读后感271


The childhood of every child is happy, happy, these days, I read book of Gorky, be called " childhood " , let me benefit a lot.


" childhood " the growing experience that told about affliction of hero A Liao Sha. In this book, pass A Liaosha —— the perspective of a little boy, after observe and telling about father and little brother to die, a Liaosha comes to the dribs and drabs that grandmother home lives with mom. Still told oneself the knowledge in grandfather home, in his little heart, shaped two characters image, grandfather, it is a selfish and atrocious person, grandmother, it is the person of a just goodness, grandfather and grandmother are two kinds of disparate disposition, a Liao Sha grows below the protection of outer grandmother, learned to use hopeful state of mind to treat everything. Became a goodness, brave child. His childhood is dry, not only experience arrived the world is marble, and the fickle Bao Yi of grandfather, recognize is opposite Liao Sha letting A the family member's disappointment, in the depth of his heart, have grandmother only most be very fond of him!


The life that this book let me remember he passes is how happy ah! Everyday whats do not need to do besides study, the clothes will stretch one's hand, the meal comes dehisce. But I still am not cherished well, I am inferior to from ashamed, the childhood happiness of everybody is similar, unfortunate childhood has each misfortune each. Sanded like Aliao childhood is unfortunate, so we should value present happy life, learn well. The childhood of everybody is brief, because be compared with A Liaosha, our childhood is gorgeous and colorful, it is carefree, of happy joy!


This book lets me remember profundity, I like to look " childhood " this book, it let me solve A Liaosha's different life and him not only the harm that little heart gets, and the happiness that also made me new experience myself to pass now lives, I want to be cherished well!


From now on, I want effort study, cherish parents to bring my happy life, grow auspicious very filial parents!


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