

2024-05-11 08:07:30观后感249

On weekends, my friends and I go to the movies. This is my first visit to the cinema, where everything is so strange in my opinion. Friends told me that the movies have an atmosphere, I would like to know, friends that I hope I can own experience.
 Cinema film is wonderful, sound quality is also very good, but more importantly, this funny thing, there is a lot of people share, more than one person alone to see a much more meaningful.

上一篇:电影阿凡达2水之道观后感作文,《阿凡达》观后感,自己写的,从一个观点考虑,300字左右。急!!!!! 下一篇:电影1921观后感700字作文,以《难忘的 》为题写一篇作文 700字