

2023-01-23 14:08:06初一408

The distance with boundless “ , countless people, concern with me. ” this is a famous remark that Lu Xun ever had said. After the hope is old, I sit below oriental cherry tree, there is a book in the hand, reading your story, experiencing that warmth that oriental cherry blooms.


National person is incomparable


Although you already were of a cycle of sixty years year, but run quickly in front of ” of battle “ epidemic disease as before. “ is cheered! You let ” the colleague is in defend take backside to write down two the simplest words face about throws battlefield. The backside of these two words, it is you fight bravely one day the overworked of ten hours. Daily late night, you pick next guaze mask forcing mark is your honorary decoration.

你虽已是花甲之年,但依旧奔在战“疫”前线。“加油!”你让同事在防护服背后写下最简单的两个字便转身投入战场。这两个字的背后,是你一日奋战十几个小时的劳累。每日深夜,你摘下口罩的勒痕是你荣誉的勋章。来自 zUOwENbA.net

“ is irrespective, sleep well. ” faces camera lens you reply phonicly castingly. And of camera lens backside you, one day sleeps only however 3 hours. But this word bore the weight of however countless “ are go in a direction not allowed by traffic regulations person the aspirations of ” , also offerred numerous people small warmth, let them experience a bit warmth of the world.


Ordinary man has duty


“ hello, extend the artifice please will measure one private parts lukewarm. You already did not know ” repeat how many times. Last year in the winter, if epidemic situation is raided like great scourges. You know basic level epidemic prevention is crucial, signed up actively then volunteer team. Snowflake swirls fall, fall on your eyelash, on buccal hood and the shoulder that raise countless times. In former years this moment, you are being surrounded in the home and a few friends before sitting in chaffy dish, talk cheerfully and humourously. Now year, you resolutely abandon return to one's native place, play basic level epidemic prevention.


And face all these your answer is: Life and death of country of “ careless benefit with, avoid because of misfortune good fortune of drive. ” this word is sturdy and strong, deeply take root is in the heart of every Chinese, made them firm experience the warmth that comes from you.


Teenager China


“ thanks you, nurse mom. ” is small boy lustre lustre to take care of she and nurse elder sister to bow express one's thanks to. My eye is wet, before some a month, these message without number. Warm each the individual's heart.


“ boy is strong China is strong, teenager Zhi Zezhong national wisdom. The responsibility now is in reason completely my teenager. ” Mr Liang Qichao is in hundred years before before the political reform that protect the home to defend a country and raises on a grand and spectacular scale. See us again now, “ is go in a direction not allowed by traffic regulations person people ” goes before loading for us, what reason do we still have not to try hard? Those people opened a season of China, review ourselves, encounter a bit bagatelle to cry with respect to complain of suffering tired, a bit a bit harder topic abandons thinking, this how can not let sb down Where is their effort and warmth?


Now already is Chu Dong, had some of a nip in the air slightly. Without which winter impassable, spring of the coming year, the oriental cherry below hill of Wuhan Luo Jia decides the Xian Yan that meets.


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