

2022-07-21 10:05:03童话作文224


In a night, there still is not sunbird in those days. The moon is being enveloped by a gauze, star is in inky if there is beautiful dancing in the night sky of Chinese ink, cricket is accompanying to them, resembled writtening guarantee on the ground a snow-white frost, whole night is extremely halcyon!


Abrupt, "Ca of Ka Ca Ka " one noise broke this hush. Approach to look, the egg that is color of a sapphire blue opened fine seam, a piece tender yellow small mouth came out from the egg. Slowly, chorion was knocked to break the birdie pip of a small and exquisite. It is a snow-white bird, only that piece of small mouth is tender yellow. Birdie shakes a body, curiously look around is worn, a pair of big eyes were full of query. It is thinking: Which be here! Who am I? Birdie thinks ah want, want ah want.


Came insensibly in the morning. A spadger is flying foolishly. At this moment it saw young bird, flying past asks: "Who are you? Where is your parents? " birdie is crooked head, it also does not know who it is, who is its parents. Spadger sees birdie grow beautifully to say: "From now on I become your mother! " " mom, mom! " birdie agitato cried.


Take care of attentively in spadger below, birdie was brought up gradually. It becomes aware the color that derives from personal feather is too drab, it listened to a crow to say " the story of phoenix " , it plans to also want to try.


It will to the side of the sea begin a practice, when blow it is practicing, when raining, also practicing, no matter it is in violent storm,practice. Eventually, kongfu does not lose an observant and conscientious person, fiery color became in sky of time of a sunset, the sun fell like big like bolide. All previous plans to fly to sun body to pass via the birdie of thoroughly tempered.


The following day it began a challenge. It is carrying summer on the head that burning sun flies ah fly, but how does it fly to those who be less than the sun on the side. Rise till the full moon, a moon is scattered in the body of birdie


On, birdie still flies in unremitting ground.


Baal was moved by the spirit of birdie, gave birdie a lot of beauty change color has red, pink, yellow, green, green, blue, violet... birdie resembled becoming small rainbow. Had flown when it when the sky, resemble delimiting a beautiful Gu line, resemble a rainbow. Birdie also is called by Baal " sunbird " , its feather is Lin Zhong is the most gorgeous.


Now, it is the princess in the forest, it is brave, of effort indicative.


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