

2022-12-23 10:33:04写人作文249

Of our class " small lazy bug " it is a well-known figure, we take him to do not have method.


He everyday very tired, the 2nd class still is sleeping in the morning, the teacher also takes him to do not have method, was forced to change him last. But such he still does not change, still sleep on the class, I guess him is the body that be added by small lazy bug for certain. such, several days went, he is perpetual still, the teacher is enraged to get fly into a rage by him.


Once, when finishing class, he still is sleeping. But after passing ten minutes, attended class, I reminded him. He slowly opened small eye, narrow one's eyes became to seam, slow-witted still slow-witted ground laughed. The person on the side calls me to leave him alone, say in a low voice: "He ah, it is a small lazy bug, do not manage he. " we pay no attention to him, he attacked to sleep in the table. because that time, the deepness Morpheus that I just comprehend him truly has how fierce.


Still once, classessed are over, when next stair, a classmate raves: "That small lazy bug has not come! " another classmate says: "Calculated, too late, he awakes, natural meeting comes out. " finally, a lot of people in our class, laugh at the same time, walk out of a school gate at the same time.


This is our class " small lazy bug " , is there such person in your class?


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