

2022-06-01 18:04:05五年级579

Sunday, father and I play together. River water gurgles, livelily You Yi wears small fish. If catch some of small fish, be beautiful?


Father saw through my idea, say: The good place that catchs a fish is not here, we look along the river, look for a good place that catchs a fish. ”


Very fast, father found ” of ground of geomantic treasure of one place “ . This is a small loblolly, had disconnected with the brook, water has done not have knee, there is some of sodden grass above water. Father says, rot there is a fish below grass.


I and father enter the water scoop up grass, my leg is being bumped by the fish from time to time. “ , father, have a fish! ” me very agitato feels, but end in smoke.


“ daughter, muddy water is good feel a fish. water roily, the fish of water dirty article loses sight of you. Fish very fear, breath is difficult also, breathe freely to surface. To moment, it is good that we are caught simply. ”


We exert all our strength agitate water, the black benthic is silty agitate come out. “ is good, the attention watchs loblolly edge. ” , loblolly edge if really appear each is small piscine head, piece move big mouth is busy pant.


I fold quickly with both hands below the fish as a child outside one shovel coal, a frisky small fish falls on the beach. Edge of the agitate side us is caught, results is increasing also. Make a profit in troubled situation is really delighted!


” of “ make a profit in troubled situation is 36 plan the coup of Li Kedi get the upper hand of, this coup results from again the life. Use excellent plan to the life afresh, the life is a big classroom really!


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