Oneself are only good, ability lets all difficult be readily solved, ability lets crisis take a turn to be out of danger, ability lets the life be full of a hope. Happiness is the rose with one fresh individual plant lets him become so aromatic!
Make oneself good, ability lets him insert on dreamy wing goes the direction that the palm dominates life. Happiness is so wonderful, met in imperceptible middle school grow to let oneself experience life thereby such happiness. “ presently wind decides color of cloud Chinese ink, autumnal vast and lonely to dusky. ” autumn is the crown of the year it is to let dream to hoist the sails more Yuan Hang's season. I am taking the intellectual fructification of plentiful and substantial to move toward class of take lessons after school. Because can let me in that way more knowledge is broad and profound, more extensive, more good. On class of take lessons after school I always can follow the teacher's train of thought, answer a question actively. Why am I so serious? Because I think,next belonging to is planted in the season of this profusion the seed of myself and happiness.
Make oneself good, ability lets him insert on dreamy wing goes the direction that the palm dominates life. “ does not chase after a horse, plant with the time that recalls a horse careless, when waiting for Chun Nuanhua to leave, can a courser holds the post of you to choose. ” sets out from this word the thinking that I can let myself becomes active, let me know I am not to be others to live to let his hard become more good however. This was mirrorring this word: “ is used did not write a composition temporarily the time of true friend, go perfecting oneself ability. So I want ” to go with this idle Yu Shiguang barback goes him harden oneself disposition. Come to barback immediately relaxed heart feeling died to rise at a draught, let me times feeling is immediately nervous, him for fear that can lag behind at other associate. Be afraid of steel wire, walk along suspension bridge, pat basketball …… although these activities are very tired, but the life that lets me becomes very contented, very good.
Make oneself good, ability lets him insert on dreamy wing goes the direction that the palm dominates life. “ rain flower can leave only in wet, firework can be in only the night can blossom below a sky only, but the promise does not cash certainly. Myself of ” this no less than can go all out in work through his only go realizing a dream. Although it won't come true, but I tried hard I do not have complaint. Through taking an exam last my mood arrived trough, but I make through my mediation I give trough again, move toward the happiness on the heart. It is myself the harden oneself that the acceptance of one pace grows, the 1000 gesture that accept life 100 condition, accept real impact. Fulfil oneself promise thereby, I should let myself become more good.
Good life need is good oneself go creating, but oneself happiness is to use his sweat to accumulate, just can let us have a happiness so tomorrow!