

2022-06-16 08:01:03初二198

Spring is supposed to be a time when everything grows and the sun shines brightly. But this spring, it was turned into a nightmare for many families by a disaster


New Coronavirus, like SARS 17 years ago, came out like a wild grass after the rain. The cold wind and snow failed to stop the spread of the virus, and the number of patients increased bit by bit


for a time, the whole country was in panic


various comments on the Internet followed one after another, including encouragement, condemnation and complaints. People's concerns about the epidemic were all exuded under every microblog about the epidemic


we may not be the medical staff who rush to the front line, the workers who build hospitals at risk, or the academicians who develop drugs in the laboratory. But we are all Chinese. We can all contribute to our country in our own way


nothing beautiful in the world will happen out of thin air. It's just that when you're at leisure, you tap the keyboard and send some messages you think“ Supremacy“ Do you know that 84 year old academician Zhong Nanshan is studying the epidemic with experts, doctors and nurses are taking risks to save lives, and an original young and fresh flower of life withers in the epidemic


No one knows when the battle will end, and no one knows when we can be as reckless as before. It's like a four o'clock night. Through the thick clouds, we don't know when the dawn will come to this earth. The night before dawn is long and hard. We miss the light in the dark: the sound of reading in the school, the traffic on the road, and the faces not covered by Masks&hellip…


everyone is missing, everyone is giving, and everyone is sticking to it


some people gave up the holiday of reuniting with their families and resolutely went to the front line to support Wuhan, leaving a petition with red fingerprints; Female doctors and nurses cut off their beloved long hair; All the doctors and nurses put on heavy protective clothing and tight goggles&hellip… Although their relatives are reluctant to part with them, they do not want their motherland to be so scarred


there are also people who guard the community all day and check the incoming and outgoing vehicles with due diligence:“ I put on my mask and sat here so that others could take it off” He needs to face many people, the cold wind in spring and the trust of the whole community


people often say that heroes come out in troubled times, but they don't know that heroes are also ordinary people


they worked hard in peace and prosperity, hiding their names. When they needed them, they stood up and rushed to the front without hesitation. They also have their own families and families they can't let go of, but they know better that they need to protect China at this time


Everything will be fine. I'm waiting, waiting for dawn, waiting for the blooming cherry blossoms in Wuhan in April, waiting for safe China, waiting for the warm flowers in spring


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