
进入初二了作文 mynewyearsresolution初二作文?

2024-12-26 04:53:30初二0


After the study of the whole semester,I have learnt a lot of things which might be very useful for the future.

For instance,by studying Chinese,I gradually understood the colorful culture of my own country and the fabulous beauty behind the simple words.It makes me feel proud of being a Chinese citizen.Another subject which also impacts me a lot is English.There’s no doubt that English is very important for my study so I have recited a lot of English articles this semester and I feel like learning English more.

I have gained a lot this semester,and I’ll try harder in the future!





My New year's resolution does not mean I won't get my annual flu shot or a colonoscopy every 10 years - or eat a balanced diet and get regular exercise.



 If i were a teacher,i will make these class rules for my class.

1.Don't arrive late for class.

2.Take turns to be on duty,to clean the classroom evrry day.

3.Don't eat in the room or laugh loudly.

4.Don't fight and run in the classroom and in the hallways.

5.The homework must be done in the class.

6.Listen carefully in the class. They are very important.But wore importance is the students to live in harmony,treat each other friently. Please follow the rules!


It is very important for us to be in a good mood.If we are in good spirits,we can study or work better .So we must learn to take care of ourselves and stay in a good mood.How to stay in a good spirits?

First,you should exercise and relax every day.Second,remrmber to eat healthy food and have a good sleep.Third,do not keep silent.Talk with your fridents,parents or teachers often.Finally,getback to your everyday activities.It will give you a sense of happiness.

You will stay in good spirits if you follow my suggestions.






My school subjects

Hello! My name is Xu Yinuo. I’m eleven.

I have eleven subjects at our school. They’re Chinese, Maths, English, Art , PE, Music and so on.

I like Chinese, Maths, English, Art and Music, because they’re very interesting.

My good friend Gao linyan likes Chinese, English and Music too. I don’t like PE, because I can’t run fast and it’s very hard and boring. But my friend Lin Yin likes PE. Because she can run fast and she can play basketball very well.


My best friend and I get along with each other quite well.But we are so different.

He is funnier,more outgoing than I am and i'm more serious.He is more athletic and likes to play all kinds of sports but I am smarter on study.

My friend is wilder than me and I am calmer.He is tall,thin,strong,with short hair,And sometimes he is very careless and lazy.On the other hands,I am short,fat,weak,with shorthair.

He is very helpful because I am very lazy and don't want to do any sports.And I will help him with his study.

  I think our friendship will last forever.


How do solve problems : first we have to calm down ourselves, then we analyze what's main problem, and reason behind problem, then we fix this problem, and small problem might become less trouble as when we make win win solutions, and everyone feels happy, and problem will be dispeared.




遇见你,我便拥有了希望乍暖还寒时,漫步在拆迁的废墟中,沉浸于一片苍凉,不经意间,脆弱的心便揣着一分期待。  晚冬之际,万事万物依旧蛰伏在某一个昏暗的角落,醉于温柔梦乡。遍地枯枝腐叶中,尽是枯黄,没有丝毫绿意,没有生命应有的活力。生命,似乎在述说着衰败后的悲壮。  废墟下,不知掩埋了曾经多少的欢声笑语、绿意盎然。默然前行,期待可以遇见什么,以慰藉满是创伤的心灵。但,似乎一切的一切都在湮灭,除了枯黄。  失望之余,不经意间瞥到几点绿意,一座坍塌的墙角下,似乎有什么绿色从土里冒了出来。快步上前,揣着希望,或许,那就是我所期待的——一次遇见。  近了,终于看清了其面貌——几株废墟下的小草。纤弱的身躯随风摆动,似乎仍然在畏惧着严寒,但始终不倒。嫩绿的两片叶子轻轻舒展,似乎在给世界一次热情的拥抱。与周围的枯黄相衬,衬托着它的绿,那是怎样的一种绿呵,不似成长后的深青,没有其成熟。亦不似枯萎前的惨绿,没有其颓败。纯粹的一种淡绿,不掺杂任何颜色,以出生时最原始的形态降临这尚未苏醒的世间。那是一种最为勇敢的绿意,是一切出生时的希望。即使它并不成熟,但它枯黄下的一抹绿意,是世间最美的惊艳!  北风呼啸,任凭风刃击落在身上,也顽强地咬紧地面,即使摇摆,却也不倒,那是一种大无畏的精神支柱。  此刻,在恶劣中起伏,也如舞姿,在绝望之人的心中,演绎着属于自己的一番绚烂。这是最美的时刻。“如何让你遇见我,在我最美的时刻,我在佛前苦苦求了五百年,求他与我结一段情缘。”或许草与我便是这一段情缘,在我最失意的时候,遇见了草的一番绚烂。  在凄凉的绝境中,无论何时,都不会缺少另一扇门的希望。成败,只在于是否拥有一次美丽的遇见,鼓舞着我们,为我们扬起驶出苦海厄境的风帆。遇见或渺小或大至无边,却总会改变人的心境,给予我们精神的泉源。 或许这不是初春的第一株青草、第一分绿意盎然,但废墟下的顽强,废墟下的生命的希望,废墟下的无限生长,终究洋溢着成功的渴望。

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