

2022-05-22 15:48:39二年级194

Spring arrived. Towards evening, frog prince handsome young man announces: Annual silvan concert begins now! Frog prince has not been told, the animal of complete forest, plant people move rose. flower is in waveringly, careless the smile is move, big cultivate the butterfly elder sister that too impatient to wait is sending hand …… beauty to also flutter in the flowers, lark and small Huang Li still have other young bird people sing endlessly, cicada is being sung in Zhi Zhi ground. Additionally two frog are on lotus leaf also carol is worn. Dragonfly is fluttering livelily, the bee is a clerk, it pours a few cups of honey for everybody. Whole composition the forest becomes happier and happier rise.


At this moment, feral animal: Tiger, lion, wolf, snake, panther, came to even feral avian eagle. They say to pediatric animal: We also should attend “ , or you are about to be eaten off by us. ” puppy people be forced to agree. Then, silvan concert is more lively.


Accompanies those who follow a joy music sound, silvan concert ended. Animal people the home that also returns oneself, entered melting dreamland.


The silvan concert tonight is really lively!


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