

2023-02-18 23:32:06二年级218

I was read " send lovely father " this book, feel the story inside is very good, than as before thing " a letter " in say, the father of Lucy went abroad, she writes a letter to father, because she misses him very much.


In one's childhood my father works in Nanjing, very long ability comes home, I and mom are in Huang Shan's home, we miss father very much. Mom says, once I see in village doorway a lens that wear a look carries the uncle of a bag on the back far, still thinking is father came back, discovery is not father later, very sad …… awaits me in those days very small, ability does not arrive two years old, I still won't write a letter, lucy drew up my one's innermost thoughts and feelings, I feel this story is very touching.出处 wWW.zuOWeNBa.nEt


There still are a lot of stories in this book very interesting, for instance " the flavor that becomes father " , " small penguin and father " so I like …… very much this book.


上一篇:从天而降的竹节人作文800字 下一篇:未来的城市作文300字