

2022-06-26 10:02:03六年级532

1872, when England has to be called the gentleman of gram of blessing of Fei Lisi · to reform in London the club follows good friend prattle, bet, claim oneself can swim in 80 days of core earthly a week. Accordingly, he still is seen went up the viewpoint that oneself all family property will come to prove him himself.


After Mr Focke leaves a club, the way of way of new lackey —— that leading oneself is connected instantly start off.


Swim in annulus in earthly distance, they were stared at to go up by a detective that calls Feikesi, and all the way follow at sb' heels is worn they, before because Feikesi gives birth to Fu Kexian,regarding as paragraph time is in England state bank purloin is many the great robber of money.


In course India when the composition is awaited, they are saved fell to be forced the woman of be buried with the dead abstruse Da, and the knot is travelling companion.


Fu Kexian gives birth to them to cross ocean, reached a lot of places, sufferred all kinds of countless setbacks, returned London eventually.


However, the time limit that Mr Focke discovers to he and good friends bet however had gone, although blessing overcomes a gentleman to be about to go bankrupt, but the love that he harvested happiness in journey. When just when he is preparing wedding,passing, when he discovers to international date spans to change a line in viatic road, forget calculated time, actually they arrived one day earlier than original plan.


such, gram gentleman won blessing to bet not only bureau still harvested love.


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