

2022-09-19 07:33:05六年级531


No matter be the friend's help, of the division commander teach, one still be stranger kindness reminds, always can let you a warmth. Love bright lamp of consistent small cup, let us be in this world no longer confused.


Still be being written down is then in an early morning, enlightened when the first sunshine the earth when, whole world restored vitality again.


Because of an activity that the school holds, I early rise, set foot on the journey that goes to the school, my humor is exceptionally good.


Ignore, I saw her again.


Her identity is very common, it is a cleaner stopped only, just be the hand because of the deep furrow on her face and dryasdust, I just have some of impression. Nevertheless she sweeps that market on the side of my house, we had been come up against a few times when I issue a building to cast rubbish namely stopped, how sweep the floor today to here?


Thinking, I discover a dustbin behind her shook to rise however, if topple, the achievement that she worked hard a long time wasted! I run over to help dustbin up at once firm. She has turned round surprisingly to come, from full marks / so close, the mark that I see that piece of weather-beaten face more clearly clear be left by years and she bends the back with very small land.


I just wanted to explain, the laugh with old amiable grandma rise: “ good girl, thanked you to help me. ”


I reply rapidly: “ is irrespective. We talked about ” a little while day, from inside her mouth I just know, the person that sweeps this ground so is sick, ability comes afternoon, she is wanting to help others be done.


But she is already such old ah! Face my question, she says: “ life is alive, when who is helped without need? If noble photograph is aided,resemble my that son, I need not come out cough up. ”


See me still be in be in a daze, she laughed again, “ goes quickly, not was late. ”


Him disclosure of my this ability still is going to school on the road, quickened a pace at once. But in my heart however from time to time thrill through her countenance ……


Because there is love in the heart, we can brave before row; Because there is love in the heart, world ability becomes good. Believe to love, consist in the everybody is the softest place in the heart.


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