

2022-10-20 21:36:12六年级450

"Bite bell, bite bell bell... " is that wind singing? Every time wind the wind-bell before stroke move into one's husband's household upon marriage, can give out euphonic sound, singing like lark; Playing like musician wonderful composition, babble like spring babbling flow direction distance...


But after wind goes, keep one room empty quiet only, and I can await silently only, is crazy crazy ground imagined -- wind where to go to after all? Wind stroke crosses the ocean, offing becomes clear see an end; Wind stroke crosses a prairie to write a composition, the grass becomes more pale green; Wind stroke crosses a sky, the sky becomes more azure; Wind stroke passes school yard, fellow students are more serious the ground reads. A picture that how glows should that be?


Grown go to school admire wind with respect to opportunity of it doesn't matter, can open a window to experience wind in night only everyday. But once, I am when spring outing, encounter wind again. Wind is being blown gently, butterfly flutters in sky, the left and right sides sways, I am downwind catch dish, extremely happy!


Still once, during summer vacation, when I prepare to sleep, encountered wind again, wind is very gentle, seem is singing cradlesong, make me fast enter dreamland.


Ask you to open a window tonight, listen attentively to this at night free from worry rumour, they are so free, can take your roam sky, for your mood transhipment of through cargo. The contain in wind is worn infinite treasure, try to be close to it tonight, perhaps will awake tomorrow, whole world is different!


上一篇:家乡的风味美食作文800字 下一篇:六年级毕业抒情作文