

2022-05-13 14:30:14三年级171

Day than usual dark, wanted to rain immediately, this is the first rain of spring.


The day couldn't help eventually, begin slowly rain. Rain during springtime is different from Xia Yu. Vernal rain is unbroken drizzle, gentle warm, the sound that rain falls became a pleasant waltz, that melody is feeling of so rich rhythm. And the rain of summer is a field violent storm, each rainwater ases if to make each plant bend over below. I run outside going out, those who experiencing rain during springtime to bring me is satisfied. Companion wears filar silk drizzle to write a composition a face that gentle breeze stroke crosses me.


A little while, rain stopped. The rainwater on petal is nodded, the drip on leaf is glittering and translucent and bright. Small grass is drunk sufficient sweet galactic, excitement must show cerebella bag; Upgrade of ground of continuously of bamboo shoots in spring is long, want to view this new world.


Rain during springtime is home of a mix colors, its incarnadine peach blossom, asperse blue brook, draw became green field, paint became blue mountain peak. Good a vibrant picture!


Rain during springtime is so gentle, so magical. It whole world, become extremely beautiful!


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