

2022-10-04 09:39:15三年级398


The night of summer, I am reading a book with pleasure, abrupt, my before appeared a very comical Lilliputian, his handstand is worn, look is very funny. He says to me: “ the emissary that I am amused country, our king invites you to go amused country. I return ” to did not want to understand is how to return a responsibility, was conveyed by the instant a new place. The people here is handstand is worn walk, the wheel of the car is sweet circle, wall is tremendous chocolate, the most amused is highway, it is to use unexpectedly happy do high! Think in my heart: This king is afraid of only is an engorge goods.


I follow emissary to come to palace, palace is more amused, the floor is to use spell a graph to spell all sorts of cate image that rise, the gate is folded with candy paper of color, post is to use glass when material, inside replete water, all sorts of unripe fierce seafood swim to swim. We walk into palace gate, the servant that has two handstand immediately closed the door with the foot, be like the full marks in palace of for fear that / cate ran out.


Cross a shop to wear potato piece the corridor of carpet, came to the room that king stays in. I see king hind is very open-eyed! Because he grows very handsomely unexpectedly, and not fat! He says to me, the guest that “ distance comes to, I let you come, because want to let you eliminate negative sentiment in your world,be, transmission energy! ” king says this word, I was conveyed again a magical amusement park, there are a lot of You Le establishments that I never had seen inside, I play inside but happy. At that time, kingly acoustical sound rose: Do you know “ ? Happy it is the biggest energy, tell you stealthily, this also is I take not fat little secret solely. ”


Back-to-back I appear at the moment gyroidal spatio-temporal channel, listen to “ to whiz only ” ground, I returned that room that reads a book again. From now on, I am laughing everyday, travel all the time happy energy, some people did not admit to give me even.


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