

2022-09-16 02:31:03四年级111


In my brain, almost whats are faintness, only mom's back is clear, the impression that gives me is so deep, so deep ……


My friend can see mom's smile everyday almost, have me only, it is the back that often sees mom however.


Mom is a teacher. In the morning, I had not gotten up, mom went to the school, kept a piece of brief note and tea egg only. When just wanting to take water to come over, just saw the back that leaves then in door mouth. When the mom is busy data that print, also can see her only that back.


Make me most hard of dismiss from one's mind is 4 grade last term, passed the Xiu Lian of half semester, but what expect letting a person is less than is, take an exam this I was entered whole class the first. The teacher announces a mark, I hit him spank, not be to daydreaming so! Classmates also heart impeach be puzzled, he takes an examination of 56 achievement composition all the time in that way, how to exceed Shuai Xingyu of ” of “ a dark horse?


An idea produced in my heart: Tell mother this favour!


But the thing thinks with me however rather. I go to the village downstair, saw the back that ahead mom leaves hurriedly. I say with mom: “ mom! She did not pay attention to ” however I. Me a moment ago that glad interest be swept and empty, the tear falls like rain kind flowed. Left a frozen thing only: Heart.


In returning the home, I am in all the time feel wronged and act rashly, also did not tell even dad. I had kept operation, wait for mom all the time. But, passed so overnight.


When going to school in the morning, saw mom's back again on the road, I cannot help eventually, run over, resemble abreacting be like the ground to speak: I took an examination of “ the first, mom! ”


Eventually, those who see it is her only no longer that is far the back that go, however that gratified smile.


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