

2022-09-24 08:38:11四年级527


What is the home? The home is the place that kin friend reunions, let us experience the place of the be in harmony of its Le Rong that the the whole family reunions, be fear in you and afflictive when the place that guarding silently, let darkness and lonely break up a hubbub, the home, be when we lose way bring street lamp, how-to your ongoing direction, the home is the most beautiful place, because over there have love, have close feeling, have family.


The home is reunion, be be in harmony of its Le Rong, it is happy. Spent the New Year, outside decorate with lanterns and streamers, gorgeous, although there is so flourishing picture in the home, but the family sits together round reunion is eating meal of the eve of the lunar New Year roundly, have say to have laugh, this scene allows this condition each person times feeling is warm.


The home has safe feeling, be warm light. Pluvial full marks / day, outside thunder and bolt, wet and windy, a big like umbrella, it is we take shelter from the wind the warm harbour that take shelter from the rain. In cold weather, no matter outside temperature has many low, in the home as before the four seasons if spring, because here has me,the support of the people of love loves my person.


The home lets our everybody have the land of perch, won't lose way. Below study and the exhaustion that worked one day, we are longing to come home, in be away on official business many days when journey fatigueds, we are longing to come home, in be far from home town hard to go all out in work old hind, we are longing to come home, the home is us from beginning to end most the place that keep thinking about.


The home, it is the bridge that we build in all, the bridge that won't collapse forever, the home is Xiaoguo, the country is everybody, let us guard our home together!


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