

2022-10-08 10:39:15四年级443


In one's childhood, I like that only big cock in the courtyard most.


The top of head of that only big cock is worn vermeil cockscomb, spinous mouth, short neck, overgrow red hair, grow long claw to always touching a few mud. Its tail is the most good-looking, have long long, the wool of yellow of green splendent wool is jumbly a bit gold, colourful. Sending out all over smooth, if down be being felt is very smooth. This only big cock is old clever. Once, I see big cock is taking a walk leisurely in the courtyard, my brainwave easily, want to amuse amuse it, capture it. I go stealthily near big cock, put down a few corn, entice it to near my home. See big cock runs here at once only, peck the jade grain of rice on touchdown. Ha, it swallowed the bait, I scatter the corn bead that remain all the way at once composition / to my home door, use whole corn ground again, stick wearing has basket of a bamboo, stick is being fastened with cord, cord is additional directly in my hand. Big cock one pace approachs my home lowers his head at the same time the corn bead on peck ground. But he just stepped into my home door to stop, will control shaking a head, seem to saying: " is this? Why am I here? Below " one second he gallopped go out, if be other chicken,be afraid early was captured by me. This only big cock not only clever, disposition is bad also! The child of neighbour home scattered bead of a corn to go up to big cock. He be popular heart, a hen steals beat the gun to came over to eat a few again, the full courtyard that is chased after by big cock as a result runs, hid in coop to dare not come out finally!


This is the big cock that I like most!


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