

2022-11-14 11:50:06四年级275

Today should be a ordinary day originally, but promise to take me to eat cate quarter cases that in the evening from the elder sister, I begin caper, finished exercise immediately, dinner also ate little only, preparation is taking gut big full the luck to eat sth delicious.


The elder sister takes me to come to the cate street of elegant sparrow lake by subway. fill in! A lot of cate spreads out! One is next to, one hope to be less than a head, I am considering in the heart, what should I eat next, look at the cate of full of beautiful things in eyes, feel suddenly to did not know to do it from which, the sister says: "You look first want what to eat I am bought to you. " I nod it is certain today to considering in the heart let elder sister massive haemorrhage, go it is OK that I took a fancy to the icy pink fry batter in a thin layer that oneself pick burden, him decision starts work do a bowl, I look at this one platoon to feed material not to know to do it from which, simply each feeds material to come one big spoon, one full bowl astonished the boss, I tasted flavour pretty good still, we are eating icy pink to go forth at the same time at the same time, before buy the stall of crayfish, look at each bright red prawn to piling up shipshapely, sending out inviting fragrance, I can't help stopped footstep, "Elder sister, I want to have taste shrimp. " so the elder sister bought shrimp of a taste again, sought a seat, wear a glove to begin to pare shrimp. Not a little while we did shrimp of a taste, looking at the shrimp carapace of one caboodle, my allow sucks a finger, return some meaning to still was not used up!


We walked along the end of fastfood booth, I discovered one cries " light card is ice-cream " , "Elder sister, I want to eat that! " the elder sister bought smell of a strawberry to me, quite delicious still! Thick strawberry flavour, acerbity acid is sweet, icy. In the mouth that just had had shrimp hot hot, eat the ice cream that an entrance turns namely, it is very comfortable simply.


The elder sister bought a flesh to place steamed bun again, I tasted, very hot, even cooler than a moment ago taste shrimp, my the instant is hot tear is filled with the socket of eye...


Go to eat at the same time at the same time, we two maintain so that be no good, the elder sister was bought a few fastfood bale, bring back the home to eat to father mother, sit on board, stroking the belly of round billow, want to come home rapidly lie digest well on the bed, a really delighted today day ah!


上一篇:一个好地方 下一篇:《坐井观天》续写四年级