

2022-09-16 19:39:11五年级355


Watch the living broadcast of celestial classroom, I already glad to be full of again yearning, the space that thinks of China really looks in the station,


Visit celestial classroom I also harvested a lot of knowledge, on the mechanical arm on dimensional station, throw tapping ball and feather forcibly at the same time, which thing can outside throwing away two meters, arrive first? I understood, it is feather, on aerospace I want to take an unmanned chance most, go seeing unmanned opportunity won't fly to aerospace, this is a problem of a lot of children certainly. Do you want what to outer space take most? Wang Yaping of female in aerospace space station astronaut still introduced aerospace ran machine to us, aerospace kitchen and aerospace bicycle, because be in aerospace weightlessness of classics regular meeting, below the circumstance of weightlessness, appear on the face meet fat fat, because be below the circumstance of weightlessness,this is, blood centers in the person only at the same time, is not to spread all over in the whole body, below such circumstance, heart and vessels, muscle, skeletal meeting builds a composition into very big impact, so the brainpower of our country excogitated penguin to take, this dress can prevent sweeny, strengthen the spacefarer's health greatly, astronaut people still did a test for us in dimensional station, 1, experiment of water film tension, 2, water polo optics is in water polo infuse bleb, formed in water polo turning over two, particularly wonderful. 3, bubble vacates an experiment to join bubble to vacate in water polo piece appear suddenly in water polo with pigment a lot of hubble-bubble. 4, experiment of ping-pong drift along, respecting we think of this experiment impossibly, a cup of water is put in aerospace, put a table tennis ball in a cup of water again, the ping-pong sank actually in water.

看完天空课堂我也收获了很多知识,在空间站上的机械臂上,同时用力扔出钢球和羽毛,扔出两米外哪个东西会先到达?我明白了,是羽毛,在太空上我最想带一个无人机,到太空去看看无人机会不会飞,这一定是许多孩子们的一个问题。你最想带什么太空去?在太空空间站中女宇航员王亚平还给我们介绍了太空跑步机,太空厨房和太空自行车,因为在太空中经常会失重,在失重的情况下, 脸上显得就会胖胖的,这是因为在失重的情况下,血液只集中在人的一边,而不是遍布在全身,在这样的情况下 ,心血管,肌肉,骨骼会造成非常大的影响,所以我国的科技人员就研究出了企鹅服 ,这件衣服能防止肌肉萎缩,大大加强航天员的健康 ,宇航员们还在空间站中为我们做了实验,1、水膜张力实验,2、水球光学在水球中注入气泡,水球中形成了一正一反两个项,特别奇妙 。3、泡腾片实验在水球中加入泡腾片和色素在水球中就突然出现许多泡泡。4、乒乓球浮沉实验,说到这个实验是我们都不可能想到的,在太空中放一杯水,再在一杯水里 放入乒乓球,乒乓球竟然沉入了水中。

These experiments make us exceeding astonish, we feel mysterious, ah, visit celestial classroom I can't help giving out gasp in admiration! I also want to become an astronaut, make a contribution for spaceflight career of China!

这些实验让我们非常的震惊,我们都觉得不可思议,啊,看完天空课堂我不由得发出赞叹 !我也想当一名宇航员,为中国的航天事业做出一份贡献!(文/董义康)

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