

2022-10-07 16:38:15五年级239


Everybody has heard of logion of a lot of celebrity, also your some adores them, some jealousy they, also some envies them. But I adore an average person only, that is —— my mom.


She is not celebrity, also not be wealthy person, however one is living to destroy a building, end must rely on the poor that cultivate land lives only.


Can you ask the likelihood me why such still adore her?


It is less important that she brings up me to be brought up with one's own hands, and a word that she has said to me is incentive however I rectify an individual to be born.


One day, I am taking failing examination paper to come home. Arrive home, my crestfallen appearance knows mom at sight of had an accident, ask: “ son, how? I answer ” cowardlily: …… of “ my exam does not have …… pass mark. ”


Getting ready when me when receiving “ rainstorm ” to come, such she actually saying:


“ did you try hard? ”


“ tried hard before, abandoned again now. ”


“ tries hard even if do not abandon, since you abandoned, try hard again why? ”


This word is incentive I, I regarded this word as a logion, when failing every time, I can ask myself: “ did you try hard? ”


This word makes I had not abandoned all one's life, I had become a mayor now. Once the reporter asks me: Why can you become “ excuse me mayor? ” I am such answers: “ can ask him when fast failure because of me, did you try hard? ”


Although this word is not what celebrity says, but I did not forget all one's life.


上一篇:我的优点作文700字 下一篇:甲骨文的故事作文500字