

2022-10-21 16:35:10五年级401

Attended the class of 4 weeks, let me experience very deep. Him maths difference is not things any more, begin from nursery school, this had become a formulary it seems that, and maintaining all the time. I admit I do not have mathematical endowment, but does the people beside me have?


I ever admonished countless times oneself, learn maths to need to become a problem more. But I think, train of thought and intellectual level can rise, mathematical thinking promotes very hard however. But there is no lack of have a few desperately student, pass year in year out brush a problem, become the person that the maths in the school aboves average. I want to ask: Why some of person uses countless sweat, the average level that can you trade only? A few people need not try hard to be able to get good result, not be subjective reason, look in me, it is objective reason. The controls half head growth of cerebrum, have very big concern with heredity, still having a bit is when the education that parental logarithm learns thinking.


To oneself, I am the education that has accepted this kind of thinking of course, but how does the result connect myself full marks / do not know, why myself does not know that is I include to be in the science department such as physics, chemical, biology did not feel difficult, even fortune enrages good meeting to become the imagination that surmounts others, can maths why is go to school bad? So the heart contradicted, am I to which muscle lack after all?


Return so that compare manage to turn the difference that exists between unripe title and maths above all. Through my analysis, I feel principal to the problem is him logical move is wrong, some turns are circled come nevertheless, not to be pooh-poohed concerns at handling the operation on maths, and what maths takes an examination of fitly is these, and manage is changed be born to understanding inscribes train of thought. Next, it is to have a good journey, still have a lot of complex reasons, need not say again.


Gifted admittedly good, without endowment need not pained, life way is long, stand in that crossing look into the distance why the Gu island of an inaccessible although within sight. And sail the road to that Gu island, of the person that become an outstanding namely surely the road of classics, we need not go surely but must go, ability attains his ideal.


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